
ATKP Surabaya

Akademi Teknik dan Keselamatan Penerbangan Surabaya adalah pendidikan tinggi di bawah Kementerian Perhubungan Indonesia, dengan tugas pokok melaksanakan pendidikan profesional program diploma bidang keahlian teknik dan keselamatan penerbangan yang terbuka bagi umum.
Eksistensi Akademi Teknik dan Keselamatan Penerbangan Surabaya diawali dengan pemanfaatan aset Kantor Wilayah III Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara Surabaya pada tahun 1989 dengan nama Organisasi Balai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Penerbangan Surabaya sesuai dengan Keputusan Menteri Perhubungan No. 22 tahun 1989 tentang Organisasi Balai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Penerbangan Surabaya.
Dalam perkembangannya sesuai dengan Keputusan Menteri Perhubungan No. 71 tahun 2002 tanggal 2 Oktober 2002 tentang Organisasi Balai Diklat Penerbangan Surabaya berubah menjadi Akademi Teknik Dan Keselamatan Penerbangan (ATKP) Surabaya yang memiliki tugas pokok dan fungsi melaksanakan pendidikan profesional program diploma bidang keahlian Teknik dan Keselamatan Penerbangan.mulai tahun 2012 ATKP Surabaya membuka Program Pendidikan Penerbang ( PILOT ) 
Untuk Kampus Jurusan Penerbangan terletak di Banyuwangi ,gedung ATKP di Banyuwangi  dibangun di atas lahan seluas 10 hektar. Lokasinya berada di Desa Blimbingsari, Kecamatan Rogojampi, tak jauh dari Bandar Udara Banyuwangi. Gedung itu nantinya akan mulai dipakai tahun 2013.
Kampus Banyuwangi menjadi kampus kedua setelah Surabaya. Namun khusus untuk jurusan penerbangan.
Jurusan Penerbangan ATKP dibuka sejak tahun 2012. Dengan begitu, jurusan penerbangan ini menjadi sekolah penerbangan kedua milik pemerintah Indonesia. Setelah Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia, di Curug, Tangerang.
Pesawat yang digunakan berlatih sementara waktu hanya 2 unit jenis Tobago TB-10, kapasitas 2 orang. Rencananya akan dikembangkan menjadi 21 pesawat latih. Dan para calon pilot akan dilatih oleh 6 instruktur.

Program Diploma
Jurusan Teknik Penerbangan
    D I Pend. Dasar Teknik Listrik
    D II Teknik Listrik Bandar Udara
    D III Teknik Listrik Bandar Udara
    D I Pend. Dasar Teknik Radio
    D II Teknik Telekomunikasi Dan Navigasi Udara
    D III Teknik Telekomunikasi Dan Navigasi Udara
    D I Teknik Bangunan dan Landasan
    D II Teknik Bangunan dan Landasan
    D III Teknik Bangunan dan Landasan
    D III Teknik Perawatan Pesawat Udara
    D III Teknik Mekanikal Bandar Udara

Jurusan Keselamatan Penerbangan
    D I Basic Air Traffic Service / ATS
    D II Lalu Lintas Udara
    D III Lalu Lintas Udara
    D II Aviation Security
    D III Operasi Darat Bandar Udara
    D III Operasi Terminal Bandar Udara

Program Non Diploma
Jurusan Teknik Penerbangan
    Teknik Perawatan Komputer (Hardware)
    Teknik Digital
    Radar Principle
    Airport System Planning
    CNS/ATM Foundation Training For Technition
    Local Area Network
    Teknik Bangunan dan Landasan
    Recurent Training Teknik Penerbangan

Jurusan Keselamatan Penerbangan
    Airport Information Officer (AIO)
    Apron Movement Controller (AMC)
    CNS/ATM Foundation Training For Operation Staf
    Recurent Training Keselatan Penerbangan
    Aviation Security
    Penanganan Cargo Udara (Air Cargo Handling)
    Manajemen Bandara Udara
    Pengoperasian Garbarata
    Penanganan Bagasi
    Awak Kabin Pesawat (Cabin Attendant)
    Fasilitas Bandar Udara (Airport Facilities)
    Pemangku Operasi Penerbangan
    Ground Handling Officer (Penanganan Kegiatan Darat)
    Komersial Bandar Udara
    Pengelolaan Suku Cadang Bandar Udara
    Human Factor
    Flight Operation Officer (FOO)
    Aviation English

Jurusan Penerbangan ( PILOT )
khusus jurusan penerbangan Lokasinya berada di Desa Blimbingsari, Kecamatan Rogojampi, tak jauh dari Bandar Udara Banyuwangi

Kontak :
Akademi Teknik dan Keselamatan Penerbangan Surabaya ( ATKP Surabaya )
Program Diklat Penerbangan non Diploma ( Pilot )
Jl. Jemur Andayani I / 73 Surabaya 60236
telp : 031-8410871 , 8472936
fax : 031-8490005
email : casea@atkpsby.ac.id
web: http://www.atkpsby.ac.id

Sekolah Penerbangan di Banyuwangi

Kementerian Perhubungan (Kemenhub) RI membuka sekolah jurusan penerbangan di Banyuwangi. Jurusan penerbangan ini nantinya berada di bawah Akademi Teknik dan Keselataman Penerbangan (ATKP) Surabaya. Untuk dana pembangunan sarana dan prasana, dianggarkan mencapai Rp 200 miliar.
Gedung ATKP di Banyuwangi akan dibangun di atas lahan seluas 10 hektar. Lokasinya berada di Desa Blimbingsari, Kecamatan Rogojampi, tak jauh dari Bandar Udara Banyuwangi. Gedung itu nantinya akan mulai dipakai tahun 2013  , kampus di banyuwangi menjadi kampus kedua setelah Surabaya. Namun khusus untuk jurusan penerbangan.
Jurusan penerbangan ATKP sendiri baru dibuka tahun 2012 lalu. Dengan begitu, jurusan penerbangan ini menjadi sekolah penerbangan kedua milik pemerintah Indonesia. Setelah Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia, di Curug, Tangerang.
ATKP sudah melakukan seleksi untuk memilih 12 calon pilot. Sebelumnya ATKP miliki jurusan lain. Seperti Lalu Lintas Udara, Teknik Pesawat Udara, Teknik Listrik Bandar udara dan Teknik Navigasi Udara.
Pesawat yang digunakan berlatih sementara waktu hanya 2 unit jenis Tobago TB-10, kapasitas 2 orang. Rencananya akan dikembangkan menjadi 21 pesawat latih. Dan para calon pilot akan dilatih oleh 6 instruktur.

Hingga tahun 2015 Indonesia Butuh 1.800 Pilot
Kebutuhan pilot di Indonesia dirasa semakin mendesak. Hal itu juga yang melandasi Kementerian Perhubungan (Kemenhub) RI untuk membangun Sekolah (jurusan) Penerbangan di Desa Blimbingsari, Kecamatan Rogojampi, Banyuwangi.
Kepala Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Kementerian Perhubungan RI, Bobby R. Mamahit mengatakan, Indonesia butuh 1.800 pilot hingga 2015 mendatang. Kebutuhan itu menyesuaikan pertumbuhan armada penerbangan Indonesia sebanyak 300 unit.
Saat ini kebutuhan pilot (dalam negeri) di Indonesia berasal dari 13 sekolah penerbangan termasuk milik swasta. Sekolah (jurusan) Penerbangan di Banyuwangi akan menjadi pilot school yang ke-14.
Target Kementerian Perhubungan Harus mencapai 3 tahun, 1.800 pilot. Setahunnya 600 pilot, saat ini hanya 300 pilot saja .
Kemenhub mengaku akan mengembangkan kapasitas sekolah penerbangan milik pemerintah agar kebutuhan pilot segera tercapai. Selain di Banyuwangi, Pemerintah akan membangun sekolah serupa di Medan, Sumatera Utara.
Sehingga diharapkan ditahun 2015 semua pesawat terbang Indonesia diawaki oleh orang Indonesia.
Kalau bisa Pesawat Indonesia harus dipiloti orang Indonesia.

Gedung Jurusan Penerbangan masih dalam Proses pembangunan (tahun 2013 ini), kantor sekolah pilot tersebut masih 'seadanya'.
Sebuah kontainer disulap sedemikian rupa dan disekat menjadi tiga ruangan untuk menjadi kantornya. Ruangan pertama bagi Kepala Sekolah, ruangan kedua untuk administrasi dan ruangan terakhir untuk tim maintenance pesawat.
Persis beberapa meter dari halaman depan kantor itu berdiri hangar pesawat. Di sebelah timurnya berdiri juga gedung sederhana seukuran rumah tipe 36 yang digunakan sebagai tempat makan siang dan istirahat para civitas akademik.
Rutinitas belajar ke 12 siswa penerbang angkatan pertama ini banyak dihabiskan di apron bandara. Mereka mulai berlatih terbang mulai pukul 08.00 WIB-16.00 WIB. Dalam rentang waktu itu ada 6 jam latihan terbang yang didampingi oleh Kapten Budi.
Saat ini tiap siswa dapat jatah latihan terbang dua hari sekali dengan sesi terbang 1 jam dengan pesawat latih jenis Socata Tobago 10 buatan Perancis. Itu akan menyesuaikan dengan jumlah armada pesawat latih yang ada.
Selain berlatih menerbangkan pesawat, sambungnya, taruna juga diajari tentang teknis pesawat. Semisal pemeliharaan pesawat yang perlu dan penting diketahui para calon pilot tersebut. Sebelum dan sesudah terbang, pesawat harus diperiksa sesuai standar operasional .
Pertengahan Juni 2013 nanti ada 3 pesawat latih tambahan yakni pesawat Cessna 172 SP buatan Amerika. Dengan begitu, total pesawat latih akan menjadi 5 armada yang dioperasikan sekolah pilot. Selain itu 5 instruktur baru sudah didatangkan ke Banyuwangi.
Saat dari 12 taruna angkatan pertama yang sudah belajar, salah satu diantaranya berasal dari Banyuwangi. Dia adalah Muhammad Ananditya Patria Pratama (19), asal Desa Benculuk, Kecamatan Cluring, Banyuwangi.
Saat ditemui, Adit, panggilan akrabnya, mengaku bangga dan senang diterima menjadi taruna sekolah pilot Banyuwangi. Saat acara launching first flight sepekan lalu, dia didapuk untuk menerbangkan pesawat latih dengan didampingi Kapten Budi.
Kedisplinan para taruna juga menjadi perhatian pihak sekolah pilot Banyuwangi. Para siswa dididik semi militer. Dengan ciri khas sikap mawas dan sikap hormat ala militer.
Kekompakan juga terlihat dari tiap aktivitas mereka. Semisal saat menyambut pesawat yang usai digunakan berlatih, mereka akan terlebih dahulu berbaris. Selanjutnya berjalan setengah berlari secara serempak.
Untuk Informasi  Lebih Lanjut  Program Diklat Penerbangan non Diploma ( Pilot ) dapat menghubungi kontak di bawah ini :

Akademi Teknik dan Keselamatan Penerbangan Surabaya ( ATKP Surabaya )
Program Diklat Penerbangan non Diploma ( Pilot )

 Jl. Jemur Andayani I / 73 Surabaya 60236
telp : 031-8410871 , 8472936
fax : 031-8490005
email : casea@atkpsby.ac.id
web: http://www.atkpsby.ac.id 


About Us

Blog Sekolah Pilot Indonesia  adalah  Blog yang membahas dan menginformasikan mengenai dunia penerbangan terutama tentang sekolah sekolah penerbangan / pilot yang ada di Indonesia , kami tidak bekerjasama atau berafiliasi dengan sekolah / akademi / universitas yang kami tayangkan , sekedar menginformasikan sebagai Referensi pemirsa untuk mengenal atau memilih sekolah pilot. Terima kasih semoga bermanfaat. 

President Flight School (PFS)

President Flight School (PFS) is located at President University, Jababeka, Cikarang, Bekasi and is working in collaboration with Epic Flight Academy, Smyrna Beach, Florida USA.
Managed by a retired Royal Air Force Fighter Pilot, and with current Airline Pilot instructors as well as recently qualified CFI's, the school provides the perfect start to your professional flying career.
Students accepted into the PFS program attend an `FAA PPL' ground-school and on completion, are ready to sit the FAA exams when they arrive in the USA. During the ground-school course, PFS will help students to get their student visas and organize their travel arrangements.
President Flight School gives students the fabulous opportunity to travel to USA and complete the training for professional pilot licenses, whilst remaining part of an Indonesian course, and also will help students on their return to Indonesia. PFS has had preliminary talks with a major airline is hoping to soon have a formal MOU which will give employment opportunities to our graduates.
PFS already has an MOU with Epic Flight Academy which allows us to conduct this program and expects that Epic will continue to be our partner in the future when we open and operate an airfield at Tanjung Lesung, West Java.
Epic Flight Academy is the leader in international flight training and has been setting the pace for over 10 years. They are a top-rated international Cessna Pilot Center out of 325 pilot centers around the world, flying the absolute best brand new aircraft.  Epic have an impeccable safety record and will never compromise on your safety.

I. Procedures
Here are the detail procedures:
1. Complete Application form (please download the application form here)
2. Submit application form to enrollments
3. Send the followong to President University Marketing office
    3 Copies of Completed Application Form
    A copy of proof deposit transfer
    A copy of a legalized high school report and graduating certificate
    Recent colorized photographs 4x6 (2 pieces)
    A copy of ID card
4. Receive documents relating to VISA application
5. Pay the rest of the tuition fee for Groundschool
6. Attend Ground-school at President University
7. Obtain Visa
8. Travel to the USA to begin Flight Training

II. Requirements:

    Minimum 17 years old
     Senior High School Graduate (SMU) and/or equal
     Copy of certificate graduation from the Senior High School and/or equals or Official recommendation letter from the Head master of Senior High School for student who has yet to graduate
     Height: 165 cm for Male and 160 for Female
    Copy of family identity and Personal identity
    English certificate, conducted by official Language course of English (If any)
    Medical Check, Class 1, FAA approved medical certificate.

I. FAA PPL Ground School
II. Commercial Multi Pilot Course 250 Hours

Ms. Puspa Gunawan
Head of Student Recruitment and Marketing
Hp. 0815 1709 2124
Email : puspa@presidentflightschool.com
President Flight School
Jababeka Education Park
Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara, Kota Jababeka
Cikarang Baru, Bekasi
17550 - Indonesia.
Phone: +62-21 8910 9762-63
Fax: +62-21 8910 9768
Email: info@PresidentFlightSchool.com
Web : www.presidentflightschool.com

Aero Flyer Institute

Aero Flyer Institute is renowned pilot training in Indonesia where you can have a truly unique opportunity.  institute and facility is located at Komplek Bandara Mas and Bandara Budiarto, Tangerang.
Aero Flyer Institute main goal is to provide you with the most comprehensive professional pilot training programs to date, backed by integrity, professionalism and a solid reputation.
You'll benefit from our advanced-technology learning facilities, which include Cessna-150, Cessna-172, and a world-class team of instructors. At Aero Flyer Institute, you'll find all of the necessary resources to help you reach your goal of becoming a professional pilot. Our building complex is equipped with modern classrooms, advanced labs and extensive training resources, all dedicated to your education.
No matter what time of year you come to the Institute at Komplek Bandara Mas and Bandara Budiarto, you'll find everything all pilots look for. We invite you to visit our campus at Komplek Bandara Mas and Bandara Budiarto and see for yourself how training at Aero Flyer Institute will establish a solid foundation for quality, safety, and high standards - gives you and edge wherever your career takes you.

 Aircrafts :
Cessna 150
The Cessna 150 is one of the most widely used flight training aircraft in the world. Almost all flying schools have at least one available for instruction or private hire, and used Cessna 150s are an affordable private aircraft.
Cessna 172
The Cessna-172 has been one of the most successful designs in civil aviation. The Cessna-172 is capable of cruise speeds of up to 110 kts, the four seat of C172 has a well earned reputation as both an excellent training aircraft and tourer.

facilities & Service 
As the pilot training academy, Aero Flight Institute offers the extensive training tools and resources only a well-established company can offer. The best training tools make for the best pilots and that's why we provide you with modern equipment and some of the latest in training technology available.
    Well maintain and certified Cessnas 172 and Cessna 150
    Certified Frasca 141 training devices
    Certified Frasca 142 training devices
    Computer Based Training for Cessna 172
    Full-motion Level "C" Boeing 737-200 / 300 / 400 simulator
    Experienced and world class instructors.
    Modern Labs, classrooms and courseware
    Aviation library
    Career consultation
    DGAC-Approved maintenance department
    The latest issued training material kits from Jeppesen
    12 month Instalment payment methode

    PPL GROUND : USD 2,500
    PPL FLIGHT : USD 18,000


    CPL GROUND : USD 2,500
    CPL FLIGHT : USD 28,000

    IR PACKAGE : USD 5,000

    USD 49,000


TYPE RATING BOEING 737 - 200, 300 / 400



Contact :
Aero Flyer Institute
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 15
Jakarta Pusat - 10120 Indonesia
+6221 3511 261-265
+6221 3511 264
Email  : admin@aeroflyerinstitute.co.id
Web  : http://www.aeroflyerinstitute.co.id

Proflight Pilot school

At Proflight Pilot school you will learn to fly our Cessna 172 from our homebase in Cirebon, fly over West Java or even better fly accross the country on your own. Proflight will prepare you for your Private Pilot License and bring you further to a Commercial Pilot License and Instrument Ratings.
Proflight Pilot school Ground School is located in Jakarta in a brand new building equipped with the top latest education technology. Proflight Pilot school consider Pilot students are going to deal with high technology on their every day life, we will introduce them with professionalism to this new world.
Beside technology a Pilot is also a trained, certified and responsible person. After selection, the student will have those criterias dig up from his personality and developped within Proflight Pilot School.

CPL/IR or Commercial Pilot License/Instrument rating

    Men/Women high school graduate or equivalent
    Minimum of 160 cm high
    Passed Psycho Test
    Passed Aviator Medical Examination
    Passed English for Aviation Test

    Photo with red background: 2x3cm (two), 3x4cm (five), 4x6cm (three)
    Copy of ID / Passport
    Foreigner KITAS or Student Visa

    Airport ID pass
    English test at DGCA
    Medical test and Psycho test
    Student Pilot License process



TUITION FEE: 580.000.000 IDR
    Including PPL : 230.000.000 IDR
    And CPL/IR : 350.000.000 IDR
    During internship students are fully boarded (meal, uniform and aviator kit including; bag, Android Honeycomb 10.1" tablet loaded with PFSS Program, flight computer, navigation plotter).

Proflight Pilot school

Ground School

Kompleks Puri Mutiara, Blok D/22-23
Jalan Griya Utama, Sunter Agung
+62 21 - 65314315
+62 21 - 65314309
Jakarta, 14350, Indonesia
Cakrabhuwana Airport - Cirebon
West Java, Indonesia
Web : http://www.proflight-indonesia.com


BANDUNG PILOT ACADEMY (BPA) merupakan sekolah pilot sipil yang berada di kota Bandung, kota sejarah industri kedirgantaraan Indonesia, didukung oleh sumberdaya unggul dan berdaya saing serta dilengkapi fasilitas modern merupakan modal dasar bagi Bandung Pilot Academy dalam menciptakan pilot yang berkualitas, maju, terdidik, berketerampilan, berkeahlian, bermotivasi, dan bertanggung jawab serta berdisiplin tinggi terhadap keselamatan dan keamanan penerbangan.Sekilas Profil Bandung Pilot Academy:
1. Akreditasi Penuh (CASR 141)
2. Pesawat C172 S-SP generasi terbaru (G. 1000)
3. Simulator full moving (3axis)
4. Training Area yang banyak
5. Instruktur kualifikasi ATPL Holder
6. Tersedia kerjasama untuk degree program
7. Tersedia beberapa skema pembiayaan
8. Kerjasama dengan airliner
9. Silabus up-to date
10. Tersedia dormitory yang dibina oleh corps cadet

Program Regular ab Initio Rp 620,200,000*
a. Phased Payment
    Phased 1, Semester 1 Registration : Rp 248,080,000 (40%)
    Phased 2, Semester 2 Registration : Rp 248,080,000 (40%)
    Phased 3, Semester 3 Registration : Rp 124,040,000 (40%)
b. Full Payment
    Get Discount 5% for full payment upfront to Rp 589,190,000

Training Packages 
* PPL : Private Pilot Lesson
* CPL : Commercial Pilot Lesson

Contact :  
Bandung Pilot Academy
Jl. Pajajaran No. 219,
Bandung - Indonesia 40174
Telf: +62 22 601 4699
Fax: +62 22 602 0921
Customer Support: cs@bandungpilotacademy.com
Web : http://www.bandungpilotacademy.com

Nusa Flying School

Formerly known as Nusa Flying School / Nusa Flying Academy, headquartered at Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport Jakarta, and with field training areas at Budiarto Airport Curug (Tangerang, Banten) and Raden Inten (Lampung), we provide both theory and practice lessons to our students.

Nusa Flying School trainings covers a lot of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) 141, 142 and 147 certifications that Nusa Flying School have obtained. These certifications covers a wide range of trainings that Nusa Flying School offer: pilot trainings, on becoming a trainer and aircraft maintenance. Nusa Flying School are proud to be leading this broad range of trainings and certifications in the private sector.

Additionally to Nusa Flying School certification's offering, Nusa Flying School also provide  trainings that students can take as an option to enhance their skills in various areas, apart from the main offerings. These additional courses are inclusive in the tuition of choice, making this a unique feature of our school.


To facilitate Nusa Flying School precious students, Nusa Flying School have provide the following facilities:

Three dormitories, located at Pondok Cabe, Lampung and Curug area.
Classrooms are equipped with audio-visual facilities and many trainings are computer-based-trainings (CBT), ie. web-based.
A Frasca 141 Link Simulator provides students with next to real-life piloting experience. Additionally, we have a twin-engine, multi-pilot EFIS simulator.
On top of that, 10 Cessna 172 units are available to put all theories in practice.


Terminal Building 2nd Floor No A04/PK
Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport, Jakarta 13610
Tel.: +62 21 8087 8862, 8087 1112
Fax.: +62 21 809 7220
email : info@nusaflying.com
Web : http://www.nusaflying.com

Dirgantara Pilot School

Established the school by experience engineer from aircraft industry, airline pilot and retiring person of Indonesian Air force flying school, insight to evolving flying school century 21th.
Dirgantara Pilot School established this school to be welcome next generation's of aircraft system for young energetic professional pilots, in conjunction with experience Flight Instructor.

Dirgantara Pilot School use the best curriculum to deliver pilot cadet to mastering aircraft system technology. We also teach extra curriculum to expand the knowledge of pilot cadet with applicable Math, English, Physics, and Digital Technology subject beside Piloting.

Advance Cockpit: ANALOG and GLASS COCKPIT
Course Duration : 18 Month

Operation Base:
Wiriadinata Airforce Base -Tasikmalaya

Training Area:
Surround Tasikmalaya area, Nearest Airport: Nusawiru Airport and Tunggul Wulung Airport-Cilacap, Flat and Clear of Obstacle.

Dirgantara Pilot School Training base and training area is very suitable for ab initio pilot student. With save and wide area, flat topography and also near to alternate aerodrome. To ensure the pilot student safety and comfort, we provide private hangar, classroom and dormitory.

Cessna 172S Skyhawk (Analog & Garmin 1000)
Engine: IO-360-L2A, 180 BHP at 2700 RPM.
Fuel Injected.

Contact Dirgantara Pilot School
Head Office:
Jl. Sukaraja II/229 Bandung - 40175 INDONESIA
Phone : +62-22-6009272
Fax : +62-22-6027603
Representative Office:
Jl. Merdeka No.22 Tasikmalaya
Phone : (0265) 335906

For further information :
Jakarta : +62-21-91917878
Bandung : +62-22-6127509; Fax : +62-22-6027603
Tasikmalaya : +62-265-2353598; Fax : +62-265-335906
Web : http://www.dirgantara-aviation.com

Deraya Flying School

At Deraya Flying School / DFS you will learn the many specific skills required by professional Pilots in a relatively short time. You will follow a complete training program with experienced instructors, attendflight training centresand can still negotiate an easy-pay system for paying fees.
The tutorial material you will receive at DFS covers four stages:

    Student Pilot License (SPL)
    Aptitude Test
    PPL (Private Pilot License)
    CPL + IR (Commercial Pilot License + Instrument Rating)

Apart from these four stages, DFS provides specific tutorial packets for anyone needing additional certification for ME (Multi Engine) and IR (Instrument Rating).
To aid the implementationof education and training, DFS is equipped with facilities and infrastructure that complies with regulations and the national and international provisions relating to the standards of education for prospectivePilots. To achieve optimal results in a relatively short period, DFS has a fleet of 2 Cessna 150 training aircrafts and 5 Cessna 172 aircraft that arealways available for flight training.
DFS also has two modernair conditioned classrooms with multimedia projector, wireless internet connection and advance training materialto ensure effective learning-teaching processes between the DFS Instructors and prospective Pilots.
For instrument and navigation training DFS also operates a Frasca 142 Simulator which is a single multi-engine Flight Training Device and has been approved of certification standard by FAA.
In co-operation with the Indonesian National Air Force, DFS has extended its training area to include Adisumarmo Airport, Solo. With the extra supporting facilities and extendedtraining area, Adisumarmo Airport is an ideal location to carry out flighttraining.
DFS is fully supported by the highly skilled Technicians & Maintenance Team of PT Deraya. With their expertise and decades of work experience, the Maintenance Team of PT Deraya works professionally and under strict supervision to uphold the highest safety standards. DFS is totally committed to maintaining quality and safety at all times.
DFS also guarantees that you will receive 160 FLYING HOURS tuition which will improve your flying sills. After the completion of this course you may be assigned to the post of First Officer (Co-Pilot) in an airline.
With 38 years experience, a structured training program, complete facilities, experienced instructors, as well as support from the expert Maintenance Team, DFS has succeeded in placing itself amongst the best flying schools in Indonesia.
DFS also provides a service to convert a foreign flying license (flying permit) into an Indonesian license, normally called an endorse.
Apart from the flight training program DFS also serves anyone of you who is interested in maintaining their ratings, or simply wants to enjoy the hobby of flying and take a Joy Flight.

Terminal Building 1st Floor No. 150/HT
Halim Perdanakusuma Airport - Jakarta 135610
Ph. : +62-21-8093627 | Fax : +62-21-8095770
E-mail : admderaya@deraya.co.id
Web : http://www.deraya.co.id


Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia - Curug (STPI Curug)

STPI Curug is one of the college official who is under the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia. STPI Curug Legok district located in Tangerang Regency Kewedanaan Curug Banten Province.
STPI Curug has duties and functions to educate the nation's best sons and daughters of Indonesia to be a human resources expert and skilled in the field of aviation, which is recognized nationally and internationally.
In carrying out its duties and functions Curug STPI has 4 (four) department of education, the Department of Aviation, Department of Aviation, Aviation Safety Department and the Department of Aviation Management. Every department of education is divided into several courses in accordance with the interests and talents education and training participants.
The curriculum and syllabus of education and training conducted by STPI Curug mangacu on national standards (Ministry of National Education) and international (International Civil Aviation Organization = ICAO), which is expected of each graduate STPI Curug able to compete both domestically and abroad.
Patterns of education and training for each student, referring to the pattern of academic education, physical, mental and discipline. Thus required for each student to live in the dormitory during the training took place under the supervision of mentors.

Pilot / pilot
Educate and train cadets become pilots qualified Commercial Pilot License (CPL), Multy Engine (ME) and Instrument Rating (IR).

Consists of 3 Study Program:
a. Study Programs Fixed wing pilots
b. Wing Aviation Studies Program Play
c. Study Program Flight Operation Officer

Contact :

Detailed information on Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia - Curug (STPI Curug) , please contact us at the address:

Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Indonesia - Curug (STPI Curug)

Jl. Raya PLP Curug Tangerang
PO Box 509 TNG Tangerang 15,001
Tel. 021-5982204/05
Fax. 021-5982234
Email: stpi@stpicurug.ac.id

Website: http://www.stpicurug.ac.id

Bali international Flight Academy

Bali International Flight Academy ( BIFA ) are the leading provider pilot training and employment in Indonesia, we offer integrated courses for individuals who are eager to achieve a bright career in the Aviation Industry.
Bali International Flight Academy is an accelerated training program, as we are here to train every student to obtain a full Commercial Pilot License in the highest standards possible.
Bali international Flight Academy are internationally recognized and obtained certification from the Indonesian Directorate General of Civil Aviation, the International Civil Aviation Organization and are in compliance with FAA 141 section regulations.

Private Pilot License
(including Theory)
Course Duration:
Approximately 16 weeks
Admission Requirements:
Completion of a Class 2 Medical
English Language Proficiency to DGCA minimum requirements

Privileges of License:
On completion of the Private Pilot License (PPL) a student can fly alone with passengers, by day, anywhere in Indonesia in visual flight conditions. Conversion from the Indonesian PPL to another ICAO license is relatively easy when the student returns home. The Private Pilot License is for recreational purposes, skydive flights and glider tug towing. Private pilots are limited to non-commercial category operations.

Tuition & Fees:
Program Fee:
a) Private Pilot License USD 17,000
b) Commercial Pilot License with with IR USD 34,000
c) PPL, CPL & Instrument Rating (Single Engine) USD 51,000

Required Fees:
- Accomodation for 12 Months USD 4,000
- Accident Insurance for 12 Months USD 550

Additional Service Fees
Room & Board (Extra per month) USD 400
Extra Flight/Hours USD 300


* Additional charges will be applied for failed student.
* Additional course duration and/or flight hours of each student may vary according to adequacy of each student to achieve minimum standard requirement of Bali International Flight Academy.
* Prices are subject to change without prior notice.

Student Requirements

* Minimum background: High School /SMU/STM (Electro/Machine)
* Minimum Height: 160 cm (Woman) and 165 cm (Man)
* Minimum Age 18 years
* Passed Medical Check up by Bali Kesehatan Penerbangan
* Passed E-Profiling Test
* Passed English Proficiency

PT Bali Widya Dirgantara

Jakarta Office:
Graha Niaga, 25th floor
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 58
Jakarta 12190 - Indonesia
Tel. +62 21 2505 373
+62 21 5292 1811
Fax. +62 21 5297 1696

Bali Office:
Letkol Wisnu Airfield
Sumberkima Village
Buleleng, Bali - Indonesia
email: info@baliflightacademy.com

Web : http://baliflightacademy.com/home.php

Susi Air Flying School

Susi Air Flying School are proud to announce the launching of our flying school in Pangandaran as the first step to establish a world class flight training center in Indonesia. We will offer basic licenses from PPL through CPL / IFR as well as more specialized training in the future. Please do not hesitate to inquire about our services and capabilities.

Susi Air was founded in late 2004 by Susi Pudjiastuti and Christian von Strombeck to service the local fishing communities of Western Indonesia and enable them to quickly supply lobsters and fresh fish to many markets in Asia. 2 Cessna Caravan were ordered and delivered in late 2004 from the factory to Indonesia.

Shortly after the first aircraft arrived, the tsunami of Boxing Day 2004 hit Sumatra and Susi Air became crucial in the transport of life saving medicine and equipment to the victims. Christian became the first pilot to land an airplane both in Simeulue and Meulaboh just days after the Tsunami, and Susi Air opened a vital air bridge to these isolated communities. Soon, aid agencies from around the world found Susi Air to be safe and reliable with their team of international pilots and staff and some continue to contract with them throughout Sumatra and Aceh. Susi Air is also fundamental in the clean up effort after the huge earthquake in March 2005 that spread destruction on the remote island of Nias.

In mid-2005 Susi Air added a third Cessna Caravan to the fleet which enabled more charter work, and later the start to scheduled services in Medan. In late 2006 this aircraft was moved to Jayapura to open a Susi Air branch in this challenging flight environment. Through continuous hard work Susi Air was able to add two more aircraft – one more Cessna Caravan and one DA42 Twin Star – in early 2007.

The last months of 2007 and early 2008 were a time of exciting growth for Susi Air. Between October and December 2007 a total of 6 aircraft were added (4 Cessna Caravan and 2 Pilatus Porter), and another 2 Cessna Gran Caravan were delivered until September 2008. We opened a base in Balikpapan in May 2008 and expanded our operation in Kalimantan in the meantime. Therefore half of the total flight time since launching Susi Air was flown in 2008 and we have achieved twice the flying hours of 2007 ! This has allowed Susi Air to continue expanding scheduled and charter services and finally also return to the first intended work – the support of fisheries operations throughout Indonesia.

Besides being active in aviation and fisheries, Susi is also working actively for social and environmental activities; she regularly uses her aircraft to deliver medicine and other urgently needed supplies to remote villages in Papua and gives directly to the people in need (see inset picure). She is also active in promoting the protection of the remaining tropical forest in Indonesia from logging and plantations.

Besides being active in aviation and fisheries, Susi is also working actively for social and environmental activities; she regularly uses her aircraft to deliver medicine and other urgently needed supplies to remote villages in Papua and gives directly to the people in need (see inset picure). She is also active in promoting the protection of the remaining tropical forest in Indonesia from logging and plantations.
Susi Air continues to grow and is interested to have contact with any organizations that have business in Indonesia and seek a reliable air service.

Susi Air Flying School
Susi Air Pangandaran
Jl. Merdeka 312
Pangandaran 46396
Tel: +62 265 631 220
Fax: +62 265 631 580


Lombok Institute of Flight Technology

LIFT or Lombok Institute of Flight Technology is located in Selaparang International Airport on the island of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. LIFT, which commenced operations in November of 2010, is a fresh and exciting professional flight training academy. It is our mission to provide the highest quality professional flight training programs for both domestic and international students through the utilization of modern aircraft, avionics and flight simulation facilities.
Lombok Institute of Flight Technology facilities in Lombok are built to a high international standard, equipped with multiple classrooms, briefing rooms, projector and lecture halls, self-study rooms, dining rooms and dispatch offices. We do not "cut corners" when it comes to the comfort and optimal learning/work ing environment of our students and instructors.
LIFT also operates a large 3-storey office building in Tangerang - Jakarta district. This office is primarily used for LIFT student/instructor enrollment procedures, student selection days, flight support services and other cental administrative tasks.
In order to maintain a high level of flight training standards, akin to those upheld by the FAA , CASA (NAA) and the JAA, we aim to employ only high calibre international aviation professionals with solid experience in taking flight students from zero hours to ATPL licensing level. Most of our flight instructors are multilingual pilots with multiple-authority licenses (such as DGCA, FAA and JAA). Most also posess an ATPL, a university degree and all flight instructor ratings (CFI/CFII/MEI). A clean safety record is a must for all our FIs and we strive to maintain one of the highest standards of flight training safety in Indonesia through the employment of competent flight and ground personnel.

Lombok Institute of Flight Technology, in collaboration with the University of Mataram (Universitas Mataram), is currently developing a degree program which will enable LIFT students to graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Aeronautics. When this program commences, it will be the only one of its kind in Indonesia. In addition, LIFT is the ONLY flight academy in Indonesia to offer flight training in brand-new Liberty XL2 aircraft, certified for VFR and IFR training missions.
Lombok Institute of Flight Technology know that the investment into your flight training is one of the biggest financial commitments you'll ever make. But the subsequent rewards are much greater! On average, a successful airline pilot in Indonesia will earn more then $3,000,000 USD throughout his aviation career. Certainly, the $65,000 USD investment into your flight training is a deal worth taking.

Financial Viability
The DGCA projects a dramatic deficit in pilots for flag and regional air carriers to occur before 2012. Therefore, a lot of Indonesian airlines are accepting direct-entry pilots for their First Officer programs. Pilots will be trained on aircraft type free of charge after signing a 2-6 year employment contract. Such commitments are made with pilots straight after completion of their DGCA CPL/IR flight training programs. Most First Officers make Captains within 3-5 years.

Rate comparison
When comparing our rates with other regional flight schools, please compare "apples with apples". In aviation, not everything "cheap" is actually cheap. Some flight schools advertise extremely "stripped down" rates, with minimum legal flight training time for a particular license or rating. Achieving such objective (in this case, your PPL or CPL/IR license) is almost always impossible by a majority of students. This translates into huge amount of hidden fees, additional training costs and other unadvertised expenses. For example, if a professional course is adverised to cost $55,000 for minimum legal flight time, the actual cost is likely to be over $75,000, because most students will require additional training. On the other hand, LIFT has no hidden fees. Our program is designed to take most students (even with average abilities), from zero to DGCA CPL/IR within the designated time-frame. Our flight and theoretical training time allocation is very generous and, on average, much higher then most other flight schools in the country.

Current rates for LIFT Professional Pilot Course:
DGCA-ICAO Professional Airline Pilot Program: Rp 590,000,000
This rate is fully-inclusive of:
DGCA class I medical
Ground school, lectures, self-study materials
Unimited use of Geppesen/King/ASA/Gleim library
Jeppesen Private Pilot kit
Jeppesen pilot bag
DGCA theoretical examinations
Flight Training (as per curriculum)
Pracfical examinations and stage-checks
9 months hotel accommodation in Lombok's Holiday Resort
Daily tansportation to and from hotel/flight center
ANR ("Lightspeed Zulu") headset rental
Meals (hotel-provided breakfast, lunch and dinner)
Crew fitness facilities (daily gym/pool)
Incident/accident aeronautical insurance
LIFT administration fees
DGCA license issuance fees

Current rates for LIFT Non-professional Pilot Courses:
DGCA-ICAO Private Pilot License (LIberty XL2): Please inquire
This rate is fully-inclusive of:
DGCA class I medical
Ground School
Theoretical Examinations
Flight Training (as per curriculum)
Pracfical examinations and stage-checks
ANR (Lightspeed Zulu) headset rental
Flight insurance
LIFT Administration fees
DGCA License issuance fees

DGCA-ICAO Private Pilot License (Cessna C172R): Please inquire
This rate is fully-inclusive of:
DGCA class I medical
Ground School
Theoretical Examinations
Flight Training (as per curriculum)
Pracfical examinations and stage-checks
ANR (Lightspeed Zulu) headset rental
Flight insurance
LIFT Administration fees
DGCA License issuance fees

LIFT is fully accredited by Indonesian DGCA (Directorate General of Civil Aviation) and has a permission to conduct flight training and examinations to satisfy the recent DGCA part 141 licensing requirements.
LIFT is currently offering DGCA flight crew license courses to the following levels:
Sports Pilot License, Airplane Single-Engine Land
Private Pilot License, Airplane Single-Engine Land
Instrument Pilot Endorsement, Airplane Single-Engine Land
Commercial Pilot License, Airplane Single-Engine Land

DGCA licenses are recognized by contracting members of ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) and could be converted to any other authority, including FAA, CASA, JAA and so on.

LIFT owns a large hangar and office building at Selaparang Int Airport in Lombok. We welcome you to visit our facilities by prior arrangement.
Lombok Institute of Flight Technology have a large satellite office for Jakarta-based students in Alam Sutra - Tagerang (west Jakarta area). Being an international flight academy, LIFT is represented abroad by a number of direct partners working in flight-training sector. Please review our contact, social networking and foreign partners information below.

Lombok Office (Head Office) :

Lombok Institute of Flight Technology
Jl. Sucipto, Selaparang International Airport
Mataram, Lombok
Office: (+62) 08999 299 992

Jakarta Office :
Lombok Institute of Flight Technology
Jl. Jalur Sutra 6.B No 29
Alam Sutra, Serpong
Tangerang - Banten 15325
Office: (+62) 02129211648

Web : http://www.liftflightacademy.com



NAM Flying School under operation PT. NAM Flying School BANGKA- INDONESIA

Mision : Making a profesional pilot for Sriwijaya Air

NAM Flying School owned Sriwijaya Air, education center to provide pilot Sriwijaya Air .
Licence : private pilot license [PPL], Commercial Pilot License [CPL], instrument rating, flight instructur course dan foreign endorse license.

Address : Jl. Jalan Polwan . Kelurahan Dul, Pangkalan Baru, Bangka Tengah

Contact : Head Office Sriwijaya Air
Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No.13 Blok B8-10, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia
Telepon: 021-6405566


Alfa Flying School

We can provide you with the knowledge and skills to soar through the skies. Choosing to train with Alfa Flying School (AFS) is the best choice you can make in your flying career. AFS will ensure you many enjoyable flying hours under the guidance of experienced instructors. In the process, you will be able to expand your horizons in flight and at the same time putting theoretical knowledge to practice.
Your ambition and dream, of having a professional career in aviation is an exciting and rewarding one. At AFS, we focus on ensuring that you not only have the qualifications but also the skills, character and qualities to achieve it. Your future is what you make of it. We are here to provide you the tools.
Together we will make your dreams come true.

Our Vision

The Vision of Alfa Flying School is to become a flying school which gives contribution to the world of aviation by providing a capable and profesional graduate.

Our Mission
The Mission of Alfa Flying School is to create an International standard professional pilot with high leadership skill and excellent attitude. By providing all training facilities to educate the student to became a profesional pilot. And cooperate with government and other private company to became part of Indonesia aviation education.

Alfa Flying school Has established the school under Indonesia Authority AOC 141-004, we found the opportunity and ability to develop a Pilot since we develop the flying club under ALFA FLYING CLUB, we believe build the flying school is matter of patient on aviation industry. We understand the demand of aviation Industry. And we believe that we are able to develop a school for pilot.

Student Relation Division

Alfa Flying School
Halim Perdanakusuma Airport No. B22/SM
Jakarta 13610, Indonesia
Ph. +62-21-80878211
Fax. +62-21-8097241

Deposit can be paid by transfer to :

Bank Mandiri – Branch Halim Perdanakusuma – Jakarta to Account PT. ALFA FLYING SCHOOL

US$ : 006-000-495-6334
IDR : 006-000-524-5596

Hopefully the above information meets your requirements, should you need any other information please do not hesitate to contact us at ;

Phone : + 62-21-80878211
+ 62-21-80871548
Fax : +62-21-8097241

1. Should have passed High School (any discipline)
2. Height minimum 160 cm.
3. Passed written exam from AFS : Psychotest, English Aviation Test.
4. Passed medical examination.
5. For registration, please provide :

1. 3 color picture, sizes 3x4
2. Copy of passport/KTP.
3. For expatriate should provide KIMS or Student Visa Permit.
4. Be at least 17 years of age for PPL.
5. Be at least 18 years of age for CPL.

You can contact us at : Alfa Flying School
Halim Perdanakusuma Airport No. B22/SM
Jakarta 13610, Indonesia

Ph. +62-21-80878211
Fax. +62-21-80972411

Or you can Email us at : info@alfaflyingschool.co.id


1. Registration.
2. Psycho test and Aviation English Test.
3. Medical Examination.

Aptitude flight is require to prove the ability of the new coming students.
The package is :
1. Flight aptitude with Cessna C-172.
2. Personal Insurance.
3. Manuals book.
4. ID-Card to enter the Ramp Side
1. SPL (Student Pilot License).
2. Attributes.
3. Manual Cessna C-152 & C172 and Flight Manual.
4. ID-Card to enter the Ramp Side.
5. Insurance covered for Personal Accident for PPL Program.
6. Written Exam Type Rating Cessna C-172 & C152.
7. Radio Telephony Course (50.oo hours).
8. PPL Ground Course (260.oo hours).
9. Flight training for PPL will be approximately 40.oo hours
10. Link Training/Simulator
11. PPL Check Ride Government Check Pilot.
12. Issuance PPL License. Notes:

* If for any reason additional training is required,
the extra flight time will be charged at rate US$ 250.oo per hour.

1. Registration.
2. Psycho test and Aviation English Test.
3. Medical Examination.

Aptitude flight is require to prove the ability of the new coming students.
The package is :
1. Personal Insurance.
2. Manuals book.
3. ID-Card to enter the Ramp Side.

Phase CPL
1. ID-Card to enter the Ramp Side.
2. Written Exam Type Rating Cessna C-172.
3. Manual Cessna 172 and Flight Manual.
4. Insurance covered for Personal Accident for CPL Program.
5. CPL + IR Ground Course (314.oo hours)
6. Flight training for CPL will be approximately 110.oo hours by CESSNA 172.
8. Link Training/Simulator
9. CPL Check Ride by Government Check Pilot.
10. Issuance CPL License.

Notes :

* If for any reason additional training is required,
the extra flight time will be charged at rate US$ 250.oo per hour.



1. Registration.
2. Medical Examination (MEDEX)
* Endorsement Private Pilot License:
1. PPL Written Exam :
a. Type Rating Cessna 172
b. Aviation Law
2. Manual Cessna 172.
3. ID-Card to enter the Ramp Side.
4. Insurance covered for Personal Accident for Endorsement PPL Program.
5. Flight Training Cessna 172 for Endorsement PPL will be approximately 10.oo hours.
6. PPL Check Ride by Government Check Pilot.
7. Issuance PPL License.

Notes :
If for any reason additional training is required, the extra flight time will be charged at rate US$ 250.oo per hour.
The school will be done about 2 months.
* Endorsement Commercial Pilot License:
1. CPL + IR Written Exam :
a. Technical Type Rating Cessna 172
b. Aviation Regulation & Airways Operation
2. Manual Cessna 172 and IR Manual.
3. ID-Card to enter the Ramp Side.
4. Insurance covered for Personal Accident for Endorsement CPL Program.
5. Flight Training Cessna 172 for Endorsement CPL will be approximately 10.oo hours.
6. CPL Check Ride by Government Check Pilot.
7. Issuance CPL License.

Notes :
* If for any reason additional training is required,
the extra flight time will be charged (US$ 250.oo per hour)
* 1 (one) time payment for Endorsement CPL.